meeting people on the web. Some may be creeped out by the thought, I was at first. But now I feel like meh. . . it can't be that bad. Any advice, suggestions, anything. Someone told me that I could join a message board/ forum whatever of any band that I liked and that would help. I have tagworld account (I refuse to get a myspace no matter what) but rarely if ever log in. . . I guess that could help to.
******I do have friends whom I love dearly, but I just wanted to try to meet new people. Now that I think about it, I should go to more shows as well. . .
I don't drive so I can't travel. . .?
You know, you don't have to drive to meet new people. There are loads of things to do in your own community. You can volunteer at the local hospital, or the elementary school, tutoring youngster or you could participate in activities at church.
If those social venues are not to your liking and the internet is, you can always find plenty of chat rooms on yahoo or AOL (two popular sites). You can go to chat rooms that are in your part of town and find new friends. Doing so on the web allows you to participate as if you are on the phone (without giving out your information until you are comfortable) because you can utilize cam and voice. This makes it very interactive, instead of waiting for messages.
Have fun!
Reply:Just get out there and Socialize!
That's the best way to make friends!!
Reply:Have you thought of studying for you ham (amateur) license ? I'm disabled %26amp; unable to drive. I have met %26amp; made a lot of friends on amateur radio. I know sitting in front of the ham radio may seem a little boring, but once you get to talking to others,it's not bad.
Don't worry about filthy language on amateur radio bands, it's not there,if there should be and that person gets caught they can lose thier ham license %26amp; may end up in prison,cause they broke the rules. It has been a great past time for me. I'm on meds. to help control epileptic seziures and needed something to do to pass the time. But if you're not interested enough, then you will think b-o-o-o-r-r-r-r-r-i-i-i-i-n-n-n-n-n-g g g g g g g g. Put your mind to it that you can do it, then you can. Better than starring at a comp. screen all day.
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